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Irish Chamber Orchestra Studio


Irish Chamber Orchestra Hall, Cappavilla Student Village, Garraun, Limerick, Co. ClareGoogle MapsArrow
  • Designed by Dublin-based Project Architects, this state-of-the-art recording and rehearsal space opened in 2008 and provides the Irish Chamber Orchestra with a studio and headquarters on the University of Limerick’s campus.
  • This site was one of 14 listed venues for the 34th edition of EVA in 2010, curated by Elizabeth Hatz (b. 1953, Sweden) and titled matters.
  • Matthew Beattie (b. 1971, Canada) presented a series of drawings titled Wrongness (2010) across this and two other venues – Thomond Park and Thomas Street Centre. The works were details of architectural imperfections based on photographs of each of the buildings, taken shortly after construction of the sites was completed.

Artwork presented at this venue

Matthew Beattie, Wrongness, 2010.